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Network Theorem Trainer Model BE-27

NETWORK THEOREM TRAINER MODEL BE-27 Useful for study of Ohm's law, Kirchoff's current law, Kirchoff's voltage law, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, Super position theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, etc. TEHNICAL SPECIFICATION : Trainer Kit Consists of 0-200 mA  Digital current meter, 0- 20 V  Digital voltmeter,  0-12V  Variable power supply & +12V fixed power supply. Eight Resistor for additional experiments. Kirchoff’s current & voltage laws, Super Position Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Thevnin’s Theorem is printed on the front panel. Sufficient nos. of  patch cords are supplied with the above trainer. Trainer kit is built in power supply.EXPERIMENTS PERFORMED ARE: 1) Ohm’s Law. 2) Kirchoff’s Current Law. 3) Kirchoff’s Voltage Law. 4) Thevenin’s Theorem. 5) Norton’s Theorem. 6 ) Super Position Theorem. 7) Maximum Power Transfrer Theorem. 8) Star Delta Conversion Theorem. 9) Delta Star Conversion Theorem. And many more experiments can be performed.
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