L.V.D.T. Demonstrator Model TL-15 is a very important transducer for displacement measurement. The kit of L.V.D.T. is designed for teaching the operation of L.V.D.T. The kit has built in excitation source, Rectifier Circuit, Amplifier and Digital Indicator. Following experiments can be performed on the L.V.D.T. Trainer. i) A.C. Characteristics of L.V.D.T. ii) D.C. Characteristics of L.V.D.T. iii) Observation of Null Point and 180 degree phase shifted output. iv) Checking linearity of L.V.D.T. FEATURES : 1) Built in 4 KHz Variable Amplitude excitation source. 2) +- 10 mm L.V.D.T. in steel body. 3) Rectifier and Calibration circuit to get readings corresponding to displacement. 4) A Digital Indicator to observe D.C. output from the Rectifier circuit. 5) The kit has provision to connect external excitation source or L.V.D.T. 6) Only C.R.O. is required to perform the experiments. 7) Micrometer can be provided at extra cost. 8) An instruction Manual with theory and circuit description with circuit diagram provided.