DIGITAL I.C. TRAINER DICT is an extremely useful laboratory aid making the life of instructors simple, at the same time making electronic experimentation a pleasure. Use of 2 mm patch cords in interconnecting components.Technical specifications: DC Power Supply : + 5 V / 500 mA. Clock Generator Fixed : a) 0.1 Hz b) 1 Hz. Variable : One low frequency variable clock generator. Manual Pulsar :One independent buffered bounceless manual pulser. Logic Level Inputs :8 nos. with LED indication. Logic Level Indica.: 8 nos. with LED indication. ZIF Socket : 20 pin ZIF Socket. Logic IC’s : Different Types of Logic IC Provided on Socket for ease of replacement. 7-Segment Display : 1 no. Accessories : Patch cords, Manual etc. Power Requirement : 230V AC +10%. Experiments Can be performed : The Digital I.C. Trainer Model DICT covers both the basic and advance Digital Electronics as Follows : 1) Study of basic gates and verification of their truth table (NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND, EX-OR, EX-NOR). 2) Study and verification of the laws of Boolean Algebra and De-morgan’s Theorems. 3) Study of important TTL terminologies, Verification of important TTL circuit parameters. 4) Construction and verification of various types of flip-flops using gates & IC’s (RS, JK, D, T, M/SJK). 5) Construction and verification of various types of combinational circuits such as Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Even / Odd parity Checker, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Binary to Gray & Gray to Binary Converters. 6)Construction and verification of various types of UP/ Down, Synchronous / Asynchronous, Ripple / Reverse, Ring, Binary, BCD & Decade counter. 7) Construction and verification of 4 Bit Universal Shift Register (SR / SL operation). 8) Study of 7 - segment display and decoder / driver. Many other experiments can be designed / performed using the onboard components & ZIF Socket provided.